Annual Conference

NMIOTC Annual Conferences


Every year NMIOTC holds its Annual Conference which aims at providing opportunities to discuss issues and share perceptions related to the contribution of the international community to improved security and in projecting stability and to path forward proposals and solutions in achieving enhanced Capabilities and Operational Effectiveness.


NMIOTC 16th Annual Conference (04-05 June 2025)

NMIOTC 14th Annual Conference (07-08 June 2023)


The aim of the 14th NMIOTC Annual Conference was to give the opportunity for discussions and exchange of ideas, among the International community of interest, on Energy Security matters in the Maritime Domain.



NMIOTC 13th Annual Conference (07-08 June 2022)

The aim of the 13th NMIOTC Annual Conference was to discuss issues and share perceptions of the international community on the issue of Maritime Terrorism and the capability of Interdiction, as a powerful tool in the hands of decision makers, to counter terrorism threats in maritime domain and to contribute to Alliance’s objectives over this arena.


NMIOTC 12th Annual Conference (01-02 June 2021)

“Opportunities and threats from Innovative and Disruptive technologies:

Shaping the future of Security in the Maritime Domain”

The aim of the 12th NMIOTC Annual Conference was to discuss issues and share perceptions of the international community on how technological innovations will impact maritime security, considering the full range of disruptive technology implications in the maritime community.

The Conference was focused, but not limited, to the following four main pillars:

a. International political and strategic approach to innovative and disruptive
b. Opportunities and threats of innovative and disruptive technologies –
Operational challenges in the maritime domain.
c. New technology capabilities and solutions in maritime security (Artificial
intelligence, Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, Intelligent Machines, Lethal
Autonomous Weapons Systems, Robotics, etc).
d. Shaping legal and administrative framework for the implementation of new

Due to the pandemic situation, this year the conference was conducted in a “blended” mode, which included both in-person participation at our premises and virtual participation through ‘’GoToWebinar’’ .

12th Annual Conference Food for Thought


NMIOTC 11th Annual Conference (29th September 2020)

“Interagency and whole of society solutions to maritime security challenges”


The aim of the 11th NMIOTC Annual Conference was to discuss issues and share perceptions related to the contribution of the international community to improved security and to path forward proposals and solutions to maritime security challenges.

The Conference was focused, but not limited, to the following four main pillars:

a. International political and strategic approach to maritime security challenges.
b. New solutions in maritime security and the implementation of new technology capabilities (AI, Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, ISR etc).
c. Improving interagency communication and collaboration.
d. Exploring Legal and Administrative Framework for enhancing interagen

The Conference was conducted also virtually through GoToWebinar platform, the same day and time as the actual event.

11th Annual Conference Food for Thought


NMIOTC 10th Annual Conference (04-06 June 2019)

“Countering Hybrid Threats: An Emerging Maritime Security Challenge”.

The aim of the  10th NMIOTC Annual Conference was to discuss issues and share perceptions of the international community on how to improve maritime security and forward proposals and solutions for countering the maritime security challenges, such as the evolving hybrid threats at sea.

The Conference was focused, but not limited, to the following five main pillars:

a. International political and strategic approach to hybrid threats. b. NATO/EU capabilities and exchange of information in countering hybrid threats.
c. Hybrid threat background and future prospects.
d. Industrial aspects and public-private cooperation coping with hybrid threats.
e. SOF-Law enforcement partnership in countering hybrid threats.

Annual Conference Food for Thought Paper

List of Speakers


NMIOTC 9th Annual Conference (05-07 June 2018)

“Fostering Projection of Stability through Maritime Security: Achieving Enhanced Capabilities and Operational Effectiveness”

The  9th NMIOTC Annual Conference 2018, aimed at providing opportunities to discuss issues and share perceptions related to the contribution of the international community to improved security and in projecting stability and to path forward proposals and solutions in achieving enhanced Capabilities and Operational Effectiveness

List of Speakers


NMIOTC 8th Annual Conference (06-08 June 2017)

“The Development of Maritime Security Operations as the Instrument to Cope with the Current Security Challenges and to Counter the Evolving Threats at Sea”

The NMIOTC Annual Conference aims at providing opportunities to deepen and discuss issues related to the development of maritime security operations and to path forward proposals and solutions for the complexity of the current security challenges and the evolving threats at sea.

Conference Agenda

Food For Thought Paper

NMIOTC 7th Annual Conference (07-09 June 2016)

“Challenges to Maritime Security Derived from Transnational Organized Crime at Sea”

The 2016 NMIOTC Annual Conference aims at providing opportunities to deepen and discuss issues related to the complexity of threats to maritime security represented by transnational organized crime at sea and to provide proposals and solutions related to this global security challenge.

NMIOTC 6th Annual Conference (02-04 June 2015)

“Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security in the Maritime Environment”

The 2015 Annual NMIOTC Conference objectives were to provide opportunities to deepen and discuss issues related to the complexity of ensuring the safety and protection of Critical Energy Infrastructure in the Maritime Domain, create proposals for the development of new and updated procedures, as well as the development of training objectives and guidelines related to this emerging security challenge.

Initial Calling Notice

Calling Letter

Application Form

Joining Instructions

Conference Poster

Conference Coordination Letter

NMIOTC 5th Annual Conference (24 - 26 June 2014)

“Building a Law Enforcement Culture at sea for a more secure Maritime Environment”

From 24th to 26th June 2014, the 5th NMIOTC Annual Conference was conducted at NMIOTC with the participation of more than eighty (80) participants from twenty-two (22) NATO organizations, member-states, NATO partner countries, countries outside the NATO structure, professors from the international academic community, as well as representatives from the shipping industry and the private maritime security companies. The theme of the conference was “Building a Law Enforcement Culture at sea for a more secure Maritime Environment”.

The aim of the conference was to:

Provide new opportunities for discussion and path forward proposals for the development of a stronger leaning of Maritime Forces towards the complexity of dealing with civilian seafarers in the execution of Maritime Security Operations.

Calling Letter

NMIOTC 4th Annual Conference (18 - 20 June 2013)

“Future Security at Sea – MIO Roles”

From 18th to 20th June 2013, the 4th NMIOTC Annual Conference was conducted in NMIOTC’s premises with the participation of more than eighty (80) participants from nineteen (19) countries. The theme of the conference was “Future Security at Sea – MIO Roles”.

The aim of the conference was to:

Provide new opportunities for discussion and path forward proposals in dealing with future maritime security threats and linkages with Maritime Interdiction Operations, investigating interdependencies and influences.

Calling Letter

NMIOTC 3rd Annual Conference (26 - 28 June 2012)

“MIO in an era of Converging – Diverging future Maritime Security Operations”

The NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center organized the 3rd Annual Conference where a number of significant speakers from Academia and Military Organizations presented their views on the topic. The participants, coming from the civilian and military Maritime community as well as other relevant domains contributed to the achievement of the Conference Objectives.

The aim of the conference was to:

Investigate prototype methods, factors and models in order to preserve current Maritime Security effectiveness levels by substituting globally decreased funds with innovative solutions. To discover future effects in Maritime Interdiction Operations.

Conference Agenda

NMIOTC 2nd Annual Conference (28 - 30 June 2011)

“Regional Capacity Building in Countering Maritime Terrorism and Piracy. Influence to Future Maritime Interdiction Operations”

The NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center organized the Second Annual Conference where a number of significant speakers from Academia and Military Organizations presented their views on the topic. The participants, coming from the civilian and military Maritime community as well as other relevant domains contributed to the achievement of the Conference Objectives.

The aim of the conference was to:

Provide background, current capabilities of failed and actor states, as well as investigate prototype conceptual and practical models, that will lead NATO to a feasible and economic cost benefit approach, so as to tackle the evolving phenomena of maritime terrorism and piracy in the area of Gulf of Aden / Horn of Africa. Project the operational environment to future and investigate the influence of Regional Capacity Building (RCB) to a new concept of Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO).

Conference Agenda

NMIOTC 1nd Annual Conference 2010

2010-Maritime Interdiction Operations in a Non Permissive Environment (Anti / Counter Piracy and non Consensus Boarding Operations)

Course 26000 – Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) / Combat Lifesaver (CLS) in Maritime Operations
Feb 24 @ 8:30 am – Feb 28 @ 2:30 pm
Feb 24 @ 11:38 am – Feb 28 @ 12:38 pm
Course 12000 – C-IED in Maritime Interdiction Operations
Mar 10 @ 8:00 am – Mar 14 @ 2:30 pm
Course 14000 – Maritime Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (M-IEDD)
Mar 17 @ 8:00 am – Mar 21 @ 2:30 pm
Mar 31 @ 8:00 am – Apr 4 @ 2:30 pm
Pilot Course 31000 – Harbour Protection and its relation to MIO @ NMIOTC
Mar 31 @ 8:00 am – Apr 4 @ 2:00 pm
Course 21000 – Medical Combat Care in Maritime Operations
Mar 31 @ 8:30 am – Apr 11 @ 2:30 pm
Apr 7 @ 8:00 am – Apr 11 @ 2:30 pm