Student Information


Please ensure that your trip preparation is according to the Joining Instructions and plan ahead for the payment of the tuition fees, if required.

Certain NMIOTC courses require a review of security clearance documentation. Students attending courses classified NATO RESTRICTED and higher, are required to present their security clearance (with original signatures, no copies) for verification during in-processing. To review your course classification, please refer to the NMIOTC course catalogue.


Upon arrival at the NMIOTC you will be asked to show your passport and / or ID card, which is mandatory for entering to the NMIOTC premises.

Course / Training in-processing will take place at NMIOTC upon your arrival, on the first day.

The training schedule, the transportation plan and your security badge and will be provided as part of the Welcome Package, during the in-processing.

If you are unable to arrive by the specified reporting time, you are to inform both NMIOTC Student Admin Affairs office and the Course Director / OPR, as soon as possible.

Tuition Fees

During the in-processing of  NMIOTC training program and prior to the related final allocation, a “Financial Agreement” must be signed either by the trainee himself or, in case that the training is provided collectively to a ship/group, by the official authority of the group/ship/organization. The signed document has to be submitted to the OPR of the specific activity prior to the final allocation of the scheduled training.

Resident courses tuition fees

Tuition fee payment will be made to NMIOTC’s Financial Officer during the first day, in cash, by credit card or by bank deposit to NMIOTC bank account:

IBAN Number: GR 38 0110 4940 0000 4945 4001 048


Bank Name: National Bank of Greece

Note: Bank deposit has to be finalized not later than 2 working days before the start date of the event. The relevant document has to be forwarded to Budget & Finance officer through an e-mail:

Tailored trainings for groups of trainees tuition fees

Upon the completion of each training, an invoice will be issued.

This invoice will include the final total cost that has been charged according to the specific training provided by NMIOTC.

Copies of the aforementioned documents will be provided to the financial representative of each group/ship/organization who will be responsible to forward the documents to the appropriate authority (MoD, General Staff, agent etc.).

The respective payment must be executed within 60 days from the receipt of the above documents.

Afterwards, the related department responsible for the execution of the deposit must return to NMIOTC the appropriate bank deposit receipt or remittance to NMIOTC via NMIOTC’s Financial Officer’s e-mail.


Please check with your unit before departing for your course to ascertain whether you have to make an on-site payment of your tuition fees.

Please be aware that you carry a valid debit / credit card, and that you will be charged in Euros based on the daily currency exchange rate.

There are no facilities / ATMs at or near the Centre to provide financial assistance or support.

The currency used at the NMIOTC premises for cash paying is EURO.

Cancellation of participation – Obligations

NMIOTC courses are in high demand, therefore a late cancellation of a confirmed course significantly impacts NMIOTC’s ability to maximize training opportunities for the Alliance and results in a financial loss for NMIOTC. Upon receipt of written confirmation from NMIOTC that your course has been placed on the NMIOTC calendar our cancellation fees apply as follows:

Cancelation between 30 to 15 days from course start date:    10% of student tuition due

Cancelation between 14 to 8 days from course start date:      25% of student tuition due

Cancelation inside of 1 week from course start date:                50% of student tuition due

If  a request for cancellation of the allocated training is received, NMIOTC Student Admin Affairs (SAA) personnel will inform the requesting Authority about any related financial obligations, adducing relevant documents of irrecoverable expenses concerning the preparation of the cancelled training.


NATO security regulations are applied to NMIOTC.

You will be required to hold your passport or national identification card during check-in and throughout your presence at NMIOTC.

If carrying classified material to the Centre, you are required to inform the Student Admin/Affairs office prior to your arrival. Please include your name, identification number, day and time of arrival.

Except for training related purposes, photography is strictly forbidden.

Laptops, Tablets (or equivalent) and mobile phones are allowed in the compound, however the devices are to be switched off in all class or syndicate room.

Briefcases are permitted, however they should never be left unattended. A random check is permitted of all materials brought into the NMIOTC.

The working week

The NMIOTC working days are

Monday – Friday      08:00 – 15:00 hrs.

It is advised to be at the designated classroom promptly to start the academic program.

Dress Code

Military participants are expected to wear daily service uniform or national equivalent during the course and graduation ceremony.

Non-military students, attendees from governmental or international organizations and guest speakers, is expected to wear Business Casual.

Practical lessons and exercises will require students to be attired suitably for working on-board vessels and small boats including insertion from RHIB.

It is advised to be dressed according to the weather conditions at the time of course delivery.

The NMIOTC follows a no-hat, no-salute policy. However, when transiting outside the premises to / from accommodation, all military students have to wear the appropriate military headdress.

Courses 2000 & 3000 – Boarding Team Theoretical & Practical Issues
Feb 10 @ 8:30 am – Feb 21 @ 2:30 pm
Course 26000 – Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) / Combat Lifesaver (CLS) in Maritime Operations
Feb 24 @ 8:30 am – Feb 28 @ 2:30 pm
Feb 24 @ 11:38 am – Feb 28 @ 12:38 pm
Course 12000 – C-IED in Maritime Interdiction Operations
Mar 10 @ 8:00 am – Mar 14 @ 2:30 pm
Course 14000 – Maritime Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (M-IEDD)
Mar 17 @ 8:00 am – Mar 21 @ 2:30 pm
Mar 31 @ 8:00 am – Apr 4 @ 2:30 pm
Pilot Course 31000 – Harbour Protection and its relation to MIO @ NMIOTC
Mar 31 @ 8:00 am – Apr 4 @ 2:00 pm
Course 21000 – Medical Combat Care in Maritime Operations
Mar 31 @ 8:30 am – Apr 11 @ 2:30 pm