From 28th February to 15th March 2019, NMIOTC provided the VBSS Operations Informative Course in favour of EUNAVFOR MED Operation SOPHIA. The duration of this Course was twelve (12) working days and the target audience included military personnel from Libyan(LBY) Navy and Coast Guard.
The Course aimed to enhance the Capacity building of Libyan Navy and Coast Guard by providing the theoretical framework on how to plan a VBSS Operation while taking into consideration legal and gender aspects of respective operations. Upon completion the trainees are able to participate in the planning of MIO and execute proper tasks as a member of a Visit, Board, Search and Seizure Team (VBSS-T).
In total 24 trainees from Libyan Navy and Coast Guard participated and successfully graduated from the course. Instructors/augmenters from UNCHR, RAVA Foundation, NMIOTC, Chania’s Military Court and ENFM were involved to the training process.