Description: The module’s main objec tive is to provide an overview of MFP plan ning considerations for asymmetric threats, to ‘fuse’ gatheredinforma tion in order to carry out MFP planning tasks to seaward and land ward and to introduce elements of the OPTASK FP HARBOUR.

Trainees will be taughtthe Force Protection Process, Respon sibilities, a review of Security Alert States, Force Protection Func tions – Planning, the Key Elements in OPTASK FP HARBOUR and Pro tective Measures  Seaward/Landward.

Objectives: Upon completion trainees will be better able to:

  1. Describe Force Protection Process.
  2. Explain Command and Control.
  3. Demonstrate the FPC Responsibilities.
  4. Explain Security Alert States–FPL Development.
  5. Explain Security Alert States – FPL Operating Areas.
  6. Estimate the availability of HN Support.
  7. Analyze the Force Protection Functions – Planning.
  8. Formulate the OPTASK FP HARBOUR.

The duration of the module is 3 training hours.