Description: The main objective of the module is to analyze the TCCC acronym throughout varying difficulty/complexity scenarios during the TCCC stages.

Additional areas covered:

  1. Demonstrate the appropriate application of CoTCCC recommended medical equipment for effective hemorrhage control.
  2. Identify the indications for cricothyroidotomy and the preferred methods.
  3. Discriminate and stress the importance and implications of using vented and non-vented chest seals.
  4. Communicate the importance of pulse oximetry monitoring in chest trauma management
  5. Apply methods of tourniquet conversion in Tactical Field Care
  6. Recognize the indications, contraindications, and preferred methods of intravenous/intraosseous access in tactical field care
  7. Describe the administration of a rapid field test of visual acuity.
  8. Examine fractures and further handling.
  9. Identify considerations for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Objectives: Upon completion students shall be able to:

  1. Address the progressive strategies, indications, and limitations of external hemorrhage control techniques in Tactical Field Care
  2. Present the step by step strategies, warnings and restrictions of airway management techniques in tactical field care.
  3. Describe the strategy for treating tension pneumothorax.
  4. Utilize pelvic binding devices in Tactical Field Care to control hemorrhage.
  5. Complete assessment for shock and proceed accordingly.
  6. Perform intravenous or intraosseous access on a trauma casualty.
  7. Prevent effectively hypothermia.
  8. Achieve analgesia administration.
  9. Calculate proper antibiotic administration.
  10. Examine initial treatment of burns

The duration of the module is 10 training hours.