Examples and Fees


Tuition Fees include local transportation during the training days from specific pick-up points to NMIOTC’s premises and vice versa.

Trainees or their sending authorities are responsible to cover travel, accomodation and food expenses.

NMIOTC’s Budget & Finance Department is responsible for following appropriate procedures and providing relevant clarifications to trainees or their sending authorities.

All tuition fees are in accordance with the current NMIOTC COST DIRECTIVE .


Note: These are just examples. Actual costs vary in accordance with team composition, modules complexity, resources used.

All prices are in Euro (EUR).

1. Training of a Boarding Deployments Team in Maritime Interdiction Operation

Training period:                            5 days

Location:                                          NMIOTC premises

No. of participants:                      16

Tailored training modules:

  1. Suspect Vessel crew psychology (Module 2050 from Course 2000 – Boarding Team Theoretical Issues)
  2. BT crew psychology (Module 2060 from Course 2000 – Boarding Team Theoretical Issues)
  3. Small Arms Training (Module 3020 from Course 3000 – Boarding Team Practical Issues)
  4. Tactical Sweep (Module 3030 from Course 3000 – Boarding Team Practical Issues)
  5. Crew Control / Suspect Crew Handling (Module 3040 from Course 3000 – Boarding Team Practical Issues)
  6. RHIB Insertion (Module 3060 from Course 3000 – Boarding Team Practical Issues)
  7. Final Tactical Exercise (Module 4020 from Course 4000 – Naval Unit Final Training Tactical Exercise – FTX)
Modules fees
Module 2050 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 800 EUR
Module 2060 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 800 EUR
Module 3020 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 800 EUR
Module 3030 (3 days training) 50 EUR / trainee 2,400 EUR
Module 3040 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 800 EUR
Module 3060 (2 days training) 50 EUR / trainee 1,600 EUR
Module 4020 (2 days training) 60 EUR / trainee  1,920 EUR
Expenses not included in the Course Fee 
RHIB (10 hours usage) 200 EUR / hour 2,000 EUR
Simulation bullets (6,910 rounds) 1,20 EUR / round 8,292 EUR
1 MP9 magazine lost 75 EUR / magazine 75 EUR
Total cost 19,487 EUR


2. Training of a Boarding team on NATO Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) in relation to Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO).

Training period:                            10 days

Location:                                          NMIOTC premises

No. of participants:                      15

Tailored training modules:

  1. Units Organization (Module 1060 from Course 1000 – Command Team Maritime Interdiction Operations Issues)
  2. Inspection / Detection Techniques (Module 2020 from Course 2000 – Boarding Team Theoretical Issues)
  3. Small Arms Training (Module 3020 from Course 3000 – Boarding Team Practical Issues)
  4. Crew Control / Suspect Crew Handling (Module 3040 from Course 3000 – Boarding Team Practical Issues)
  5. RHIB insertion (Module 3060 from Course 3000 – Boarding Team Practical Issues)
  6. Evaluation of Boarding Team’s Ability to Plan and Conduct Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (Module 4020 from Course 4000 – Naval Unit Final Training Tactical Exercise)
  7. Small Skiff Investigation (Module 7100 from Course 7000 – Maritime Interdiction Operations in Support of Counter-Piracy)
  8. Crew Control / Suspect Crew Handling (Module 10060 from Course 10000 – Maritime Interdiction Operations in Support of Countering Illicit Trafficking at Sea)
  9. Search & Rescue Procedures (Module 13110 from Course 13000 – Command Team Issues in Maritime Interdiction Operations  in Support of International Efforts to Manage the Migrant and Refugee Crisis at Sea)
  10. Recovery of Persons at Sea (Module 15200 from Course 15000 – “Migrant Handling Team” Issues in Maritime Interdiction Operations in Support of International Efforts to Manage the Migrant and Refugee Crisis at Sea)
Modules fees
Module 1060 (1 day training) 30 EUR / trainee 450 EUR
Module 2020 (1 day training) 30 EUR / trainee 450 EUR
Module 3020 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 750 EUR
Module 3040 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 750 EUR
Module 3060 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 750 EUR
Module 4020 (1 day training) 60 EUR / trainee 900 EUR
Module 7100 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 750 EUR
Module 10060 (1 day training) 30 EUR / trainee 450 EUR
Module 13110 (1 day training) 40 EUR / trainee 600 EUR
Module 15200 (1 day training) 50 EUR / trainee 750 EUR
Expenses not included in the Course Fee 
RHIB (3 hours usage) 200 EUR / hour 600 EUR
Simulation bullets (950 rounds) 1,20 EUR / round 1,140 EUR
Total cost 8,340 EUR


Course 28000 – Radiological Search in Maritime Environment
Jul 15 @ 8:30 am – Jul 19 @ 2:30 pm
Course 1000 – Command Team Maritime Interdiction Operational Issues
Sep 9 @ 8:30 am – Sep 13 @ 2:30 pm
Course 8000 – C-IED Considerations in Maritime Force Protection
Sep 9 @ 8:30 am – Sep 20 @ 2:30 pm
Course 5000 – Maritime Operational Terminology Course
Sep 16 @ 8:30 am – Sep 27 @ 2:30 pm
Courses 2000 & 3000 – Boarding Team Theoretical & Practical Issues
Sep 16 @ 8:30 am – Sep 27 @ 2:30 pm
Course 7000 – Maritime Interdiction Operations In Support to Counter Piracy & Armed Robbery at Sea Operations
Sep 30 @ 8:30 am – Oct 4 @ 2:30 pm
Course 16000 – Maritime Aspects of Joint Operations
Oct 7 @ 8:30 am – Oct 11 @ 2:30 pm
Course 25000 Drafting, Production and Maintenance of NATO Standards
Oct 7 @ 8:30 am – Oct 11 @ 2:30 pm