This course aims to educate and train boarding team personnel in NATO TTPs in order to undertake targeted maritime search and exploitation tasks on board vessels and other maritime infrastructure in support of C-IED operations.
On completion of the Course students will be able to:
Class Size: Max: 24 and Min: 8.
1/ Listening (Professional/3)
2/ Speaking (Functional/2)
3/ Reading (Professional/3)
4/ Writing (Functional/2)
(SLP 3232)
2. Computer skills: Students should be familiar with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
Course Length: The course will occur over 5 working days (1 week).
NMIOTC Resources: Minimum resources required for the completion of this course are 4 classrooms equipped with multimedia capabilities including interactive boards/lectures/internet access (for syndicate work), simweapons/dummy weapons, fixed training platforms and sea-borne target vessel/boat, RHIBs and other insertion platforms, Search Equipment including hand held metal detectors/cameras,Basic Exploitation Equipment (evidence collection/ forensics), Two (2) Specialist Instructors, SEEK II Devices for Biometrics collection, Role Players and Safety personnel and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as necessary.
Accreditation: The Course is accredited as “NATO Approved” and is open to NATO, Partnership for Peace (PfP), Mediterranean Dialogue (MD), Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI), releasable also to ISAF Troop Contributing Nations (TCNs), that have expressed a keen interest in the subject matter, Partners across the Globe (PatG) and Boarding Team members or equivalent civilian personnel who are involved in Maritime Security and MIO, potentially related with C-IED in the Maritime Environment.
Other: The Course is focused on the C-IED “Attack the Network (AtN)” main line of effort and is classified as “NATO Unclassified”.