The IED, as an established explosive threat to military and other operations, will undoubtedly continue to feature as a weapon of choice against our forces and populations in the future as it does now. Past and current experiences have clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the IED in all types of situation, including at sea and in ports, where the accepted concepts of IEDD and Force Protection are being challenged in order to better combat the IED threat and provide responses capable of returning the situation to normal as safely and competently as possible.
In order to better understand how to conduct M-IEDD operations in the Maritime Operating Environment the challenges and limitations imposed by the environment have to be considered and understood. In pursuing a viable concept to apply to M-IEDD operations, accepted principles of operation and best practices developed over many years in the land domain cannot be set aside by those with maritime jurisdiction, but rather they must be considered and then employed to underpin a M-IEDD concept for the development of Techniques Tactics and Procedures (TTPs), as appropriate.
Furthermore, NMIOTC has developed this course in accordance with NATO standards and guidelines aiming at mitigating the IED threat focusing mostly on the “Defeat the Device (DtD)” line of effort which is a critical supporting function necessary to preserve the Alliance Center of Gravity (CoG) by minimizing casualties. This M-IEDD Course intends to cover the decisive condition in order to respond to operational requirements to provide IEDD training capability to all Nations and Partners.
This course aims to educate and train qualified EOD personnel to competently undertake M-IEDD operations on-board vessels and other maritime infrastructure in support of C-IED or other Maritime Operations.
On completion of the Course, students will be able to:
Class Size: Max: 24 and Min: 8.
1/Listening (Professional/3)
2/Speaking (Functional/2)
3/Reading (Professional/3)
4/Writing (Functional/2)
(SLP 3232)
3. Computer skills: Basic skills in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Operating System, as well as basic skills in Word processing and Power Point Presentation.
Course Length: The course will occur over 5 working days (1 week).
NMIOTC Resources: Minimum resources required for the completion of this course are a classroom equipped with multimedia capabilities including interactive boards/lectures/internet access (for syndicate work), sim-rounds, sim-weapons, fixed training platforms and sea-borne target vessel/boat, RHIBs and other insertion platforms, IEDD Tools and Equipment, Search Equipment, Basic Exploitation Equipment, Two (2) Specialist Instructors, Role Players and Safety personnel as necessary.
Accreditation: This Course has been accredited as a “NATO Listed” course by NATO and is open to NATO countries and Partners.
Other: The Course is focused on the C-IED “Defeat the Device” pillar and is classified as “NATO Unclassified”.