NMIOTC has identified a significant and growing requirement for maritime command teams and operational forces to be trained to confront and deal with the complex array of security threats that face maritime organizations in the modern world. Training at all levels enhances individual and unit readiness prior to deployment on maritime operations and for home waters protection considerations.
Class Size: Max: 24 and Min: 10.
1/ Listening (Professional/3)
2/ Speaking (Functional/2)
3/ Reading (Professional/3)
4/ Writing (Functional/2)
(SLP 3232)
2. Computer skills: Basic skills in a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Operating System, as well as basic skills in Word processing and Power Point Presentation.
NMIOTC Resources: Minimum resources required for the completion of this course are 4 classrooms equipped with multi media capabilities including interactive boards/lectures/internet access for syndicate work, CIED training equipment, different sizes of Vehicles, simrounds, simweapons, NMIOTC training platforms and RHIBs.
Course Duration: The course will occur over 10 working days (2 weeks).
Accreditation: The Course is accredited as “NATO Approved” and is open to NATO, Partnership for Peace (PfP), Mediterranean Dialogue (MD), Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) and Partners across the Globe (PatG) countries.
Other: The Course is focused on the C-IED “Prepare the Force” capability pillar and is classified “NATO Unclassified”.