Since December 2018, NMIOTC is recognized as a US National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) Authorized Training Center and is eligible to provide Tactical Combat Casualty Care Courses under its auspices.
NMIOTC is the 1st NATO Education and Training Facility (NETF) to receive this certification for integrating efficiently and effectively NAEMT standards and policy to NATO respective environment, while enhancing the Alliance’s and partners standardization and interoperability in terms of offering tactical combat care in the maritime domain.
NAEMT is a popular international organization which started in 1991 with the establishment of the first NAEMT training center in Mexico and nowadays its courses are taught in 64 countries worldwide.
This recognition of NMIOTC training capabilities by NAEMT initiates a new era in terms of further developing and providing pre-hospital medical training (NMIOTC Course 21000 – Medical Combat Care in Maritime Operations) while keeping the high standards and quality.